
A or left arrow key to move left

D or right arrow key to move right

Space, W, or up arrow key to jump

So this is my first ever game that isn't just a recreation of the Brackney's tutorial. There's a lot of bugs that I don't know how to fix, and honestly it's probably not that fun to play. I just needed practice and a game jam was the way to do it. Sorry if you don't like it.  Also I may update it tomorrow, but I'm kinda burnt out. This is probably the final version.

PS: The door and buttons aren't working for some reason, so there should be a black block at the end of the level that will end it and take you back to the title screen. The audio will also slowly get quieter, unless you die or go back to the title screen. I couldn't fix it if I tried. Finally, since it's ported to web browser, don't hit the quit button. It crashes the game. I didn't know until I tested out the web browser version. Thanks for playing!

Resources:  All assets were made by me, but if you want to know what I used then the game made in Godot 4, the music was made in Beepbox, the art was made in Piskel, and sfx were made with jsfxr.

(I did use the pixel font provided in itch for the project page, but it's not in the game so I don't count it as an asset.)

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